Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Network Neutrality

Carly Goeller

The Internets interpretation of Network neutrality is a proposed principle for users' access to networks participating in the Internet. The principle advocates no restrictions by Internet service providers and governments on content, and the kinds of equipment that may be attached, along with alternate modes of communication. My interpretation is that Network Neutrality exists as the correlation between the services we pay for from our internet providers and what we are actually receiving from our money. Supposedly you pay for a certain amount of internet access with a cable provider you should be free from restrictions from both internet service providers and the Government. This is the overall basis of Network Neutrality, a standard of internet freedom that I believe to be just. Network Neutrality is about the choice you have to control and take incentive of what you view on the internet. One of the benefits of network neutrality is that it prevents internet providers from blocking or restricting the capabilities of other rival sites. These media conglomerates aren’t monopolies; they have a lot of competition. So in the cut throat business world it wouldn’t be surprising if rival companies started a digital war amongst one another. The bad part about this is that this digital war would only be affecting us by restricting our digital freedom. To provide an example of this and to provide emphasis on why Network Neutrality is so beneficial, lets say your internet provider signs an agreement with a popular search engine such as Google. Its in the companies best interest to encourage you to use their search engine by blocking your acess to a rival engine such as yahoo. I believe if network neutrality is not enforced this is what is going to begin to happen. But once rival companies starts blocking something as simple as what search engine you use, whose to say they will draw a line. If Network Neutrality isnt enforced internet providers will begin to take advantage of their power over our internet. As with anything else in the world, when someone or something is given too much power there are severe consequences. After a while our internet access would be so restricted by the competition amongst our internet providers we will have barely any freedom. Freedom is supposed to be the name of the game in America. Freedom is a very broad term so there is no way of classifying what is free and what isnt free. Freedom encompasses everything around us in our life, including our internet.  In 2005, the FCC or Federal Communications Comission stated in their broadband policy statement that people are given the right too. “Access the lawful internet content of their choice, run applications and use services of their choice, connect thier choice of legal devices that do not harm the network and the allowance of competition amongst networks”. All of these terms I believe to be true of our internet and our freedom, this is how it should be.
To the contrary, People who do not support Net Neutrality say that they could not perceive that these Internet companies would actually start sabotaging their rivals on the battlefield that is the internet business.  Degrading network capabilities and inhibiting acess are restrictions that companies will absolutely do to get ahead in business and there is no doubt in my mind. I believe that companies will do whatever it takes and whatever is necessary to succeed. Network Neutrality is a must, as freedom to choose what we view on the internet, as with all other aspects of life is essential. Net Neutrality will only cause greater competition in the market, compelling internet providers to persuade us by the quality of their product, not their ability to sabotage their opponents.

This article gave me an excellent chronological timeline portraying network neurtrality. It was very effective in bettering my understanding because it gave me instances of real life events from our past and our present.
This YouTube video comes from a source I believe to be credible, Public knowledge, this video gave a great visual and auditory presentation of the basics of Network Neutrality.
this video talks about both sides of the argument, furthering my understanding.


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